2011년 10월 13일 목요일

Club 'Answer'

Hi, I'm Chloe. Thanks for your visiting! :)

I'm from Korea, and I am a girl who loves clubbing!

That is why I want to share information about clubs with you :D

There are many good clubs that you can enjoy in Korea, especially Seoul.

Do you know Seoul ???????????????????

Seoul is the capital city of Korea !

If you have never been Seoul, I strongly recommand you to go to Seoul :)


Today! I'll introduce a good club for you !

Club 'Answer' is in Chungdam which is a part of Seoul.

Answer is very famous in clubbers. (clubber = person who loves clubbing)

There are some reasons why many clubbers like here.

Big Club !

First of all, Answer is a very big club. You can have enough places to dance.
Another clubs which are small don't have enough space to daunce, so sometimes some people fight with other people becuase of the space. 

It also has many kinds of alcohol, so if you like alcohol, you can drink many kinds of alcohol here.

Many Fashionistas !

Second, there are many fashionistas in Answer.  You can see today's fashion here.
Some people show their shocking clothes such as bikini, mini, etc. (Actually, I want to show some bikini, mini's pictures, but I can't. Becuase it's my homework, so it must be not sexy pics..... :) )

If you are a man, you must like here !

Moreover, there are many handsome men and beautiful women in Answer. Many actors and singers also come here to enjoy dancing. Actually, I have seen 4 singers in Answer. :)


Finally, Answer's music is awesome!!!!

Answer's music is very storng. It means storng beat and natural rhythm. Answer deals with only electronic music. I'm shure that when you listen here's music, you must get excited. Also, Answer has invited famous DJs many times, so many clubbers love Answer.

To sum up, there are many reasons that Answer is famous in Korea, and I strongly recommand you to go to Answer if you want to enjoy clubbing ! :)

See ya~~~

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